God’s plan to respond to poverty is the local church: the most powerful agent of change, andright now, churches in Malawi and Central America are sparking community-wide transformationthrough sustainable methods that leverage local resources.
Global Lift Collective coordinates and integrates existing and innovative programs across multiple organizations so more churches have access to the following comprehensive and integrated set of tools and sustainable methods. They aren’t limited by what one organization can offer.
Leadership Development offers pastors and church leaders essential theological training and guides pastors to understand the scriptural basis for the church's engagement with the community. Our approach draws groups of local churches together so they can serve the community in a unified way.
Community Mobilization Training enables a community to identify the root causes of poverty and work to find solutions to multi-dimensional poverty using their own resources over time. This approach enables long-term change and security, so the impact is lasting.
Savings Groups are meetings for discipleship and to save money together. Groups provide loans to one another from their collective savings, and as they build a secure fund together, members can invest in income-generating activities, like farming or selling goods, and pay for family needs, such as school fees and secure housing.
Sustainable Agriculture Innovations empower communities to emerge out of poverty with what God has given them by practicing better techniques. Farmers’ self-worth is restored as communities gain food security and radically increase yields and profits, often fueled by the economic strength gained through savings groups.
WASH Services help communities flourish with access to clean water, improved sanitation, and the infrastructure to maintain these breakthroughs for the long term using local resources. Addressing these challenges has positive ripple effects on other dimensions of poverty.
Guidance on Local Partnerships help churches partner with local agencies and government institutions enables churches to forge long-term changes in communities that address multi-dimensional poverty. Lasting change is far more feasible when communities see infrastructure investment.
Please read our
case statement with more about our commitment to equip and empower 10,000 churches across Malawi and Central America to become agents of change.
If you’d like to be a part of moving the Collective forward,
there’s a place for you.